Last updated: December 14, 2020
The following Prohibited Ad Content Guidelines are for reference only and should be read in conjunction with Section 3 of the Demand Policies. All examples contained herein are non-exhaustive.
1. 危害中华人民共和国的国家公共利益的内容,如:
Content that Harms the Public Interest of the People’s Republic of China includes content that:
- 危害国家安全,泄露国家秘密,颠覆国家政权,破坏国家统一的;
Endangers state dignity or national security, leaks state secrets, subverts state power, and/or undermines national unity;
- 使用(包括变相使用)中华人民共和国国旗、国歌、国徽、军旗、军歌和/或军徽的;
Uses (including disguised use of) the national flag, national anthem, national emblem, military flag, military anthem, and/or military emblem of the People’s Republic of China;
- 使用(包括变相使用)国家机关或国家机关工作人员的名义和/或形象的;
Uses (including disguised use of) the name and/or image of state organs or staff of state organs;
- 使用“国家级”、“最高级”、“最佳”等绝对化用语的;
Uses superlative terms such as “national”, “superior”, and/or “best”;
- 散布谣言,扰乱社会秩序,破坏社会稳定,损害社会公共利益的;
Spreads rumors, disrupts social order, undermines social stability, and/or harms the public interest of society;
- 破坏国家宗教政策,宣扬邪教和封建迷信内容的;
Destroys the state’s religious policies and/or promotes cults or feudal superstitions;
- 妨碍社会公共秩序或者违背社会善良风俗的;
Obstructs social public order and/or violates good social customs;
- 妨碍环境、自然资源或者文化遗产保护的。
Obstructs the protection of the environment, natural resources, and/or cultural heritage.
2. 政府文件类内容,如:
Government Documents include:
- 政府(即中华人民共和国政府)颁布的各种证件、文件,如身份证,档案,各类许可证等。
Documents issued by the Government (i.e., the government of People’s Republic of China), such as identity cards, files, permits, etc.
3. 虚假或误导性内容,如:
False or Misleading content includes:
- 含有误导性、欺骗性或不切实际的断言的内容或素材。
Content or material that makes misleading, deceptive, or unrealistic claims.
4. 含有成人性质、暴力、恐怖主义和/或歧视性的内容,如:
Adult-Only, Violent, Terrorism, and/or Discriminatory content includes:
- 涉及成人、性、淫秽、色情类内容的;
Adult sexual content, obscene content, pornographic content;
- 以图像或其他明确形式展示的暴力内容;
Graphic or explicit violence;
- 狩猎、射击类内容;
Hunting and shooting content;
- 资助恐怖主义,扩散大规模毁灭性武器的;
Terrorist financing, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;
- 歧视、攻击性、侮辱性或者诽谤材料或仇恨内容;
Discriminatory, offensive, or profane material or hate content;
- 与特定宗教或精神信仰有关的内容或素材,或鼓吹特定种族/民族、血统、肤色、宗教、性别、性取向、语言、退伍军人身份或任何其他受法律保护地位的优越性相关的内容或素材;
Content or material pertaining to particular religions or spirituality, or advocating the superiority of a specific race/ethnic group, national origin, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, language, status as a veteran, or any other legally protected status.
5. 危险物品或服务,如:
Dangerous Products or Services include:
- 武器,武器配件及弹药;
Weapons, weapon accessories, and ammunition;
- 受管制刀具;
Regulated knives;
- 各类毒品、吸毒用具,可用于制毒的毒品原料等;
Illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, and substances or drugs that can be used to make illegal drugs;
- 宣传软性毒品的相关内容。
Content promoting recreational drugs.
6. 烟草及烟草制品,如:
Tobacco includes:
- 烟草及烟草用具,包括但不限于电子烟产品等。
Tobacco and/or tobacco accessories, including but not limited to electronic smoking devices.
7. 博彩类,如:
Gambling and Lottery include:
- 赌博类,如网络赌博工具或网络赌场(可兑现真实货币);
Gambling, including online gambling or online casinos (if real currency is involved or if there is the ability to cash out);
- 彩票类,如销售网络彩票、提供彩票信息等。
Lottery, such as the sale of Internet lottery, providing lottery information, etc.
8. 国家保护野生动植物,如:
Protected Animals and Plants include:
- 野生动物:国家有关规定中的,野生动物、世界或国家保护类动物、濒危动物活体、内脏、任何肢体、皮毛、标本或其他制成品;
Protected animals: according to the relevant and applicable national regulations, wild animals, world protected animals, living animals of endangered animals, and any organs, limbs, fur, and/or products of such protected animals;
- 野生植物:被列入世界或国家保护类植物清单的、法律禁止不得销售的植物或植物产品。
Protected plants: plants listed on the Worldwide or Nationally Protected Plants, and plants or plant products whose sale is prohibited by law.
9. 特殊医疗服务、药品和/或医疗器械,如:
Special Medical Services, Drugs, and Medical Equipment include:
- 处方药、麻醉药品、精神药品、医疗用毒性药品、放射性药品等其他特殊药品,药品类易制毒化学品,以及戒毒治疗的药品、医疗器械和治疗方法。
Prescription drugs, narcotic drugs, psychotropic drugs, medical toxic drugs, radioactive drugs, and other special drugs, pharmaceutical precursor chemicals and drugs, medical devices, and treatment methods for drug treatment.
10. 部分金融和/或商务服务,如:
Certain Financial or Commercial Services include:
- 部分金融服务,包括但不限于区块链、P2P网贷平台、学生贷、比特币和/或其他虚拟货币,外汇交易和/或非法集、融资;
Certain financial services, including but not limited to services related to blockchain, P2P loan platforms, student loans, bitcoin and/or other virtual currencies, foreign exchange, and/or crowdfunding;
- 敏感性的商业服务,如税务服务,私人侦探,出借和/或转让营业证照,商业调查等。
Sensitive commercial services such as taxation, private detective, license lending and/or transfer, commercial investigation, etc.
11. 侵犯第三方合法权利和/或利益的,如:
Infringement of the Rights and Interests of a Third-Party includes:
- 侵犯知识产权的,包括但不限于P2P 文件共享、种子下载或其他违反或侵犯任何第三方知识产权的内容;
Infringement of intellectual property rights, including but not limited to any counterfeit goods, P2P file sharing, torrenting, or any other content violating or infringing upon any third-party intellectual property rights;
Infringement of personal privacy and/or disclosure, illegal collection and/or use of one’s personal information, e.g. devices such as wiretaps, hidden cameras, pinhole cameras, etc., that may infringe the privacy of others; software or products (such as phishing websites, information interception software, etc.) that are used to collect or steal information from others;
- 侵犯他人财产权益的,例如,存在损害用户权益的恶意或隐性扣费的产品,含有如盗用账号密码等的恶意程序的产品,网络诈骗等;
Infringement of the property rights of others, e.g. products with malicious deductions or hidden deductions that harm the rights and/or interests of users; products that contain malicious programs such as account or password theft; Internet fraud, etc.;
- 任何可能损害未成年人和/或残疾人身心健康的内容。
Any content that may damage the physical and/or mental health of the minors and/or the disabled.
12. 不当内容,如:
Inappropriate Advertising includes:
- 用户生成的过激内容;
Unmoderated user-generated content;
- 未分类内容;
Uncategorized content;
- 间谍软件、恶意软件、病毒、非法黑客或其他用于破坏或使软件或硬件无法使用的材料;
Spyware, malware, viruses, illegal hacking, or other materials that are intended to damage or render inoperable software or hardware;
- 制造流量或用于虚假流量宣传的内容或材料;
Content or material offering traffic generation or promoting fraudulent traffic;
- 鼓励点击和下载;
Incentivized clicks and downloads;
- 以未满十岁的未成年人作为广告代言人的;
Use minors under the age of ten as advertising spokespersons;
- 贬低其他生产者及经营者的商品或服务的,或涉及其他不正当竞争行为的内容;
Content that degrades the goods or services of other producers and operators, or other unfair competition content;
- 以新闻报道的形式变相进行广告宣传的;
Advertisements in disguised form of news reports;
- 支持虐待行为的;
Advertisements for abuse support services;
- 为药物滥用服务或产品进行推广宣传的。
Advertisements for substance abuse services or products.
13. 损害或侵犯Smaato和/或Smaato的合作方的权利和/或利益的,如:
Content that Harms or Infringes the Rights and/or Interests of Smaato and/or Smaato’s Partners includes:
- 宣传贬低Smaato和/或Smaato合作伙伴的内容或材料,或提供含有贬低Smaato和/或Smaato合作伙伴的链接的内容或材料;
Content or material promoting or containing links that are disparaging to Smaato and/or Smaato’s partners;
- 推广Smaato或Smaato合作伙伴之外的任何其他有关实时竞价、广告供应方平台、程序化广告或任何其他竞争性产品和服务的内容。
Content promoting real-time bidding, supply-side platforms, programmatic advertising or any other competitive products and services outside of Smaato or Smaato’s partners;
- 关于Smaato或Smaato合作伙伴的不实信息或负面新闻的;
False or negative news of Smaato or its partners;
- 任何其他可能有损Smaato或其合作伙伴的品牌或声誉的内容。
Any other content that may be disparaging to the brand or reputation of Smaato or its partners.
14. 涉及非法所得或任何非法产品、非法活动和/或非法服务,如:
Illegal Gains and other Illegal Products, Activities, and Services include:
- 非法所得,如通过走私、盗窃或抢劫获得的物品;
Illegal gains, such as goods obtained by smuggling, theft or robbery.
- 非法物品,如盗版书籍、期刊及音像制品;
Illegal products, such as illegal books, periodicals and audio-visual products;
- 非法活动及非法服务,包括但不限于洗钱、贩卖人口、非法的付费网络水军、网络枪手、制作假证等。
Illegal activities and services, including but not limited to money laundering, human trafficking, having illegal paid posters, ghost writer, false certificate maker, etc.
15. 需求政策中更新的任何其他禁投内容,以及其他任何违反中国所有法律法规、规章或侵犯Smaato或任何第三方权益的内容,例如(以下为非穷尽式列举):
Any other prohibited content updated in the Demand Policies, and any other content that violates any laws, rules, or regulations of China or infringes any rights and/or interests of Smaato or any third parties. For example (non-exhaustive):
- 为代孕、药检、胎儿性别鉴定服务进行宣传的内容;
Content that features or promotes surrogacy, drug testing, fetal gender identification services;
- 为人体器官、遗体、动物尸体进行宣传的内容;
Content that features or promotes human organs, remains, animal carcasses, etc.;
- 非法内容及其他任何侵犯知识产权、隐私权或任何第三方权益的内容。
Illegal content and any other content that infringes intellectual property rights, privacy rights, or rights and interests of any other third-party.